"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde


Learning to look within to find the answers you've been searching for. With this one-on-one coaching, you’ll learn how to get results in any area of your life.

Join a small group created just for teachers! Whether you’re looking to leave the profession or you want to love your job again, this group can help you.

1:1 Coaching


Most of us don’t know who we really are.  We define ourselves by other people’s opinions of use, our income, and our circumstances.
So it’s no wonder that there comes a time in our life where we feel lost and stuck. Maybe it’s a general dissatisfaction with our lives or our careers.  Maybe there’s a longing for more that we just can’t ignore or shake off.  And sometimes we are faced with circumstances that truly seem insurmountable.
In these situations, we often begin by looking outside of ourselves for answers.  We ask for advice from friends, family, mentors, or psychics.
We may get some helpful feedback, but the truth is there are some questions that no one can answer for us. Only we know the answers to our dreams and desires.  And so we have to learn to look within.

In my coaching program, you’ll learn how to get results in any area of your life. I use a mix of teaching and coaching to help you:

  • Get clear on a dream that’s worthy of YOU (even if you have no idea what you want)
  • Recognize and manage the thought patterns that are holding you back from feeling fulfillment and happiness
  • Communicates with your inner guidance system to identify and release self-limiting beliefs.  Yes, we ALL have one!
  • Improve self-love and confidence
  • Enhance your relationship with yourself and others
  • Navigate the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” - Marianne Williamson


Coaching for Teachers


I believe teaching is one of the most challenging jobs out there.  The expectations put upon the modern teacher are exhaustive.  Without a consistent mindset practice, clear boundaries in place, and healthy outlets, teachers can easily become drained and begin to resent their jobs.

Whether you’re looking to leave the profession or you just want to love your job again, this group can help you.

In this small group created just for teachers, you will be supported in:

  • Finding a work/life balance that’s right for you
  • Managing the many thoughts you have about your teaching and yourself as a teacher
  • Maintaining a healthy relationship with administrators
  • Dealing with observation anxiety
  • Finding joy amid the chaos
  • Time management so you aren't lesson planning on Sunday nights
  • Planning your next move if you’re intent on leaving the classroom

"Teachers are the most important individuals in our society- nothing is as powerful as the human touch in education." - George Lucas