My Blog Posts

Stop Counting, Start Living, Find Peace

This popped up in my Facebook memories a few days ago.  Apparently, February 11th used to be a pretty tough day for me! I don’t remember writing these posts, but I do remember *feeling* these posts.  I used to count down the days until Friday, the days until my next vacation, the days until summer…

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The Gift of Receiving

As the holidays near, parents everywhere strive to make Christmas morning magical for their children, from moving the Elf on a Shelf every night through the entire month of December, hanging outdoor lights and wreaths, and finding the perfect gift to surprise their little ones on Christmas morning.  We all want our kids to experience…

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Three Misconceptions about Your Life Purpose

Misconception #1 You only have one true purpose in life. Have you ever read a quote like this?: “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” – Buddha Quotes like this used to fill me with anxiety. I would read them and think “What the…

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Living in the Land of Possibility

Last weekend I attended a workshop where everyone was asked to share a peak experience from their life-a moment that stands out to them as being invigorating and life-giving. My peak moment came to me immediately. In the summer of 2009, I traveled to The Netherlands.. During the trip I took a bike ride from…

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The Keys that Scare You

We each have a piano inside of us.  We have access to the full 88 keys, but we tend to stick to a defined range of 15-20 keys. We are comfortable with these notes. I’ve always tended to play the keys of:– responsibility– groundedness– giving and selflessness– reservedness We feel at home with these keys.…

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Celebrate All of Yourself – Even Your Thumbs!

When I was about 10 years old, my grandmother bought me my first real piece of jewelry- a 14 karat gold ring for my right hand.  She let me pick it out from the jewelry department at Macy’s.  It had six small rubies in a cluster with a small diamond on top.  I wore it…

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